Fun Facts About Manisha J Poudyal
Manisha was born in Nepal. She moved to Australia when she was 19 to study Computer Science.
She met her husband Chandan while at university. They have been together, mostly happily ever since.
She has a 7-year-old son named Cahir (pronounced Ka-heer). Cahir is an Irish name that means 'Warrior'. Cahir loves to read and is the inspiration behind most of her books.
Her parents and in-laws live in Nepal. She has a younger brother, Nirdesh, who is in Melbourne. She just became a new aunt to Baby Nolan. Nolan calls her 'Nu-Nu', which means paternal aunt in the Newari language (one of 123 languages spoken in Nepal).
Manisha put her 18-year-old career, as an IT Process Architect, on hold to pursue her passion for writing and simplifying things.
Her first book 'Forgetful Freddie' is inspired by a Nepalese fable she grew up listening to. It has a modern twist with a humorous ending.
As a children’s book author, her goal is to simplify the big world concepts for little humans in a fun way.
She is one of the first Children’s Book Author of Nepali origin in Australia. She wants to infuse the spirit of Nepal in her books, fostering pride in heritage among her young readers.